woman with beautiful smile

4 Reasons to Invest in Cosmetic Dentistry

As you can imagine, we see a lot of patients in our office who are unhappy with their smiles. They visit every six months for cleanings and exams and every time they say, “Someday, I’m going to fix that chipped tooth,” or, “I think next year, I’ll finally get my teeth whitened.” Sound familiar?

Sometimes it’s about budgeting for the treatment; maybe it’s about finding the time. Often, it’s a little bit of both. The reality is, we all fail to prioritize ourselves and our needs. Even the name––cosmetic dentistry––makes these procedures sound like they’re trivial and unnecessary, but many aesthetic treatments benefit your oral health. They also make you feel good about yourself, something we all deserve.

We like to think of cosmetic dentistry as an investment, rather than a splurge. Here’s why.

Cosmetic Dentistry Is Restorative Too

Broken, chipped, and cracked teeth are vulnerable to decay; fixing them makes them stronger. You might want to replace a missing tooth with an implant to improve your appearance, but the impact on your dental health is even greater––a stronger bite and restored bone density in the jaw. 

There’s also this: when you invest in cosmetic dentistry, you’re more likely to take good care of your teeth. You want to maintain your results, after all! We see that patients who have had cosmetic dentistry treatments are more diligent with their brushing and flossing routines, and they’re less likely to skip their biannual dental exams and cleanings.

Cosmetic Dentistry Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive

Yes, getting dental implants or veneers will cost you quite a bit of money. The beauty of cosmetic dentistry is that even inexpensive procedures can have dramatic results, though. Teeth whitening will make you appear younger; fixing chipped front teeth with cosmetic bonding will help people see you in a different light. In many instances, there are very conservative ways to improve your smile with bonding to reshape your teeth into more natural color or shape. These methods do not require much shaping or your natural teeth and it’s more affordable. It’s amazing what a little bit of cosmetic dentistry work can do.

These are not expensive procedures, but if you take some time to browse before and after pictures online or at our office, you’ll see how much of an impact they can have on a person’s overall appearance.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Your Bite

Invisalign, dental veneers, and even crowns and implants in certain circumstances, are all treatments that can improve your bite. This is important; when your teeth aren’t straight, it’s not just a cosmetic issue. Overbites, underbites, and crossbites can cause migraines, TMJ disorder, and tension headaches. When your teeth don’t meet properly, they can wear down abnormally, which exacerbates your bite issues even more and puts you at risk for tooth fractures. The benefits of straighter teeth go beyond aesthetic.

Your Happiness Matters

If you’ve been unhappy with your smile for a long time, it can affect your self-esteem. Do you go to great lengths to avoid getting your picture taken? When you laugh, do you hold your hand up to your mouth to hide your teeth? Think about the weight that will be lifted when you can smile proudly and not have to worry about showing your teeth to the world. You deserve to feel confident.

Before & After Photos

  • before cosmetic dentistry

  • cosmetic denstistry after

  • before cosmetic dentistry 2

  • cosmetic dentistry 3

  • after cosmetic dentistry 2

  • cosmetic dentistry 4

Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry

Let us help you feel better about yourself. Contact us at 862-247-8030 to schedule an appointment to discuss your goals and learn more about our cosmetic dentistry services in Lodi, NJ.